Nominate Ms. Zainab Ansell on Virgo Awards International.

What is Virgo Award ? Vigor Awards International is a non-profit organization dedicated to spreading light on the world's greatest people . The award winners are people of various types, backgrounds and ethnicity. People of all kinds who have one thing in common: soulful kindness and selflessness, apparent through hard work and dedication to others. This award is for the modern day hero, people who shed light in the darkness and ask nothing in return. Please Vote for Ms. Zainab Ansell ,for the category of "humanitarian awards" on the vigor awards , for her selfless efforts to enhance the lives of people around her and Tanzania in General, through her unrewarded volunteering and humanitarian work, with her non-profit organization Zara Charity Tanzania How do I Nominate Ms. Zainab Ansell? Click Here to fill in the online form before August 1st, 2018. Remember to be specific and give details abou...