No mean feat selling tourism in East Africa

Zainab Ansell: Entrepreneur who conquered Kilimanjaro The East African Magazine Zainab Ansell is the founder and managing director of the Moshi-based Zara Tours, which also markets itself as Zara Tanzania Adventures. Ansell takes pride in operating the largest ground tourist handling company for Mount Kilimanjaro climbing expeditions, and operating a chain of tourist hotels and lodges. She did not set out to be a tour operator. Her childhood dream was to work as cabin crew for Tanzania’s national airline, Air Tanzania Corporation. “I had a sense of adventure and wanted to explore the world, to learn and share about the world’s diversity,” Ansell says, adding, “My dream came true when I was recruited by ATC. My father was not happy with my career choice but was impressed when later I was promoted to reservations and sales officer, a job I did for eight years.” She was born in Hedaru in Kilimanjaro region in a family of 12 siblings. She moved to Moshi for work and stil...