MKPS FactSheet

MT. KILIMANJARO PORTERS SOCIETY: STANDING UP FOR THE FAIR TREATMENT AND DECENT WORKING CONDITIONS FOR PORTERS ON MT. KILIMANJARO Mount Kilimanjaro porters’ society is a Non-governmental organization registered under the Non-Governmental Organization Act No.24 of 2002 of the United Republic of Tanzania with certificate no 13296. Porters are the backbone of the trekking world. The society is affiliated with Zara Tours. Zara Tours is East Africa’s Leading Mt. Kilimanjaro Outfitter and one of the biggest Safari Companies in the region. founded in 1986 Zara Tours is one of the only operators who pay and treat their porters fairly creating a sense of community and hope for the porters. In the quest to advance Sustainable Tourism Development in Tanzania, Zara tours partnered with Mount Kilimanjaro Porters’ Society (MKPS) since it’s establishment in 2005. The partnership gives exclusivity to MKPS as the officially contracted porter...