MKPS FactSheet


Mount Kilimanjaro porters’ society is a Non-governmental organization registered under the
Non-Governmental Organization Act No.24 of 2002 of the United Republic of Tanzania with certificate
no 13296.
Porters are the backbone of the trekking world. The society is affiliated with Zara Tours. Zara Tours
is East Africa’s Leading Mt. Kilimanjaro Outfitter and one of the biggest Safari Companies in the
region. founded in 1986 Zara Tours is one of the only operators who pay and treat their porters
fairly creating a sense of community and hope for the porters. In the quest to advance Sustainable
Tourism Development in Tanzania, Zara tours partnered with Mount Kilimanjaro Porters’ Society
(MKPS) since it’s establishment in 2005. The partnership gives exclusivity to MKPS as the officially
contracted porters for all Zara Tours clients during Mt Kilimanjaro climbs. This ensures employment
for the MKPS porters through Zara Tours.
Zara has sustainably impacted and continues to impact thousands of lives in Tanzania, as she
directly employs nearly 1,410 on both permanent and seasonal basis, sustaining thousands of
families in a country where unemployment prominently exists.
For the porters, being a member of MKPS has a imesurable benefits. Through the employment
opportunities provided by Zara Tours a significant number of Porters support their families and earn
their livelihoods. For the porters Zara Tours has been at the frontline in revolutionizing their
working conditions creating a dignified, fair and decent work environment them.


As an ethical organization, Zara Tours obeys and promotes the rules and regulations as provided
by the laws of Tanzania and never at any time has Zara Tours been sued or questioned by the
authorities for not keeping and upholding the law set forth by the state.
According to rule 7 of the Mountains National Parks Regulations of 2003 a tour operator and its
guides shall only hire or employ porters who are honest, disciplined and trustworthy and who are
members of a registered Porter’s association holding valid identity cards issued by the registered
porters Association.
Zara tours provides employment opportunities to MKPS porters who fulfil the above criteria.
Zara Tours takes responsibility in ensuring quality climbing gear for the porters as well as financial
support and mentorship to MKPS whenever needed.

The Mount Kilimanjaro porters’ society abides to the rules andregulations set forth as follows;

• The society provides proper wages to its porters as per minimum wages set by the Labour
Institutions Wage Order of 2013 GN No. 196 of the United Republic of Tanzania. Porters are paid
more than the set standard wages.
• It provides three meals a day to the working porters.
• It provides proper climbing gear (clothing )to its porters including but not limited to technical
clothing that is a prerequisite when trekking in high altitude conditions which includes water and
wind resistant jackets, pants, gloves, base layers, socks, hats, sunglasses and proper footwear.
• The society also provides proper shelter as porters are given access to tents or provided with
sleeping quarters, sleeping bags and mats.
• In collaboration with Zara Tours, a proper tipping policy is being observed as there are tipping
guidelines and sheets filled by the visitors. This ensures that full transparency is observed and the
tip is being shared to the group as suggested by the visitor.
• Loads are restricted to reasonable weight limits, which are measured in Zara hotels and confirmed
by the Kilimanjaro National park authority when they reach the respective gate/entry point.
As per rule 12 of the Mountains National Parks Regulations of 2003 which limits the luggage to
weigh between 18-25 Kilogram.

All the aforementioned corresponds to rule 5 of the Mountains National Parks Regulations of 2003
which provides that each tour operator and his guide shall make sure that all climbers have all
necessary, suitable and adequate climbing gears and adequate foodstuff.
The society exists as a shield for porters who are registered under it with the goal of improving the
living and working conditions of these porters. The porters gain the following benefits as being the
member of the society;

With the nature of the work the porters do, it is easy to get sick or injured on the job. Therefore,
all porters under Mount Kilimanjaro Porters Society are registered on the National Health Insurance
Fund to provide them security if they get sick or injured while working. At the beginning
of every high season (where there are more tourists climbing Kilimanjaro), Mount Kilimanjaro
Porter’s society ensures that all porters are healthy and medically checked, so that at the start of
the season everyone is physically fit. This benefit goes hand in hand with rule 8 of the Mountains
National Parks Regulations of 2003 which provides that the Registered Porters Association shall
make sure that all porters intending to climb any mountain are healthy and physically fit and have
justified their fitness by submitting medical certificates. They do this once every twelve months.


Being knowledgeable about proper methods of saving and spending money ensure that the porters
have concrete ways and strategies of spending money, this enables them to better take care of
their families. In collaboration with Zara Tours, Mount Kilimanjaro Porter’s Society arranges financial
management training classes for porters occasionally and ensures that all porters have bank
accounts where their salaries are paid into. Bank accounts allow the porters to save money for the
future, especially during low season when fewer tourists climb the Kilimanjaro.

the Porter’s society has opened an account at Diamond Trust Bank were all porters have their own
bank accounts and bank cards. This helps them handle their money better.

To reduce the risk of losing lives, for tourists, porters and guides, the society in collaboration with
Zara Tours has facilitated First Aid training for the porters under Mount Kilimanjaro Porters society.
They are provided with basic mountain first aid training. This enables them to be of help for each
other, in the case of an emergency and has also proven to be effective in incidents where a client is
ill. The training is usually done during low season because this ensures that there are many porters
available in town, allowing the course to attain a high attendance rate.


ZARA is one of the prominent Tour Companies owned 100% by Tanzanians hence all it’s profits and
gains goes 100% to the development of local host community and the country at large.
The following MKPS incentives and benefits have been sponsored by Zara Tours through
Zara Charity;

Zara Tours takes responsibility in ensuring quality climbing gear for all the porters, through Zara
Charity Zara has managed to donate 300 sets of quality professional Mountain climbing gear for the

Zara Tours has also facilitated the opening of Bank Accounts for the porters. This project has benefited 500 porters so far.

Currently Zara Tours sponsors health insurance for 500 MKPS porters through Zara Charity. Being
the first tour company in Tanzania to cover mass low-income earner mountain crew with health

Zara Tours has facilitated First Aid training for 500 porters under Mount Kilimanjaro Porters society.
The porter receive regular training to keep their minds refreshed (3 times a year).


Apart from the benefits gained by the porters by being the members of MKPS, the porters also have
the opportunity to give back to the environment and the community by participating in Various
Sustainable Tourism Projects Spearheaded by Zara Tours such as;
The Mount Kilimanjaro Clean Up Volunteer Trek

Since 2014, Zara Tours Organizes A Kilimanjaro Clean up Volunteer trek. The six day event biannual
event happens every April( sometimes early May depending on climatic conditions)and November.
This project involves the climbing of Mount Kilimanjaro with the goal of picking up rubbish and
other unwanted materials on the mountain. MKPS plays a significant role of providing manpower,
restoring the trails and planting trees in the forest. The aim of this trek is to raise awareness on
climate change and conserve the environment by preserving this precious ecosystem and

Tree Planting Project

Since 2009 Zara has been committed to practicing sustainable tourism. It has since engaged in
various outreach projects that benefit the community, the economy and the environment. Within
it’s resources is a tree nursery.
This has allowed Zara and it’s partners to engage in afforestation for environmental conservation
more effectively, MKPS participates in the various tree planting campaigns and in educating the
community on the importance of trees.

Anti Plastic Pollution Campaign and Indian Ocean Coastline Clean up

Ocean plastic is estimated to kill millions of marine animals every year. Nearly 700 species,
including endangered ones, are known to have been affected by it. For the second time this year,
MKPS joined Zara Charity alongside TESO and Zara Foundation anti-plastic pollution and Indian
Ocean Coastline clean up. The team engaged in a thorough clean up of the Coastline focusing in the
area called Deep Sea. The team was able to extract over 7 tons of waste 95% was plastic bags, 3%
mineral water bottles and 2% other garbage. MKPS is humbled to be a part of Zara Tours’ efforts
to address one of the world’s greatest challenges; plastic pollution and is at the frontline in raising
awareness of the need to eliminate plastic waste across the country.
MKPS is not a mere society of porters but an organization that plays a significant role in improving
working conditions and the livelihood of all porters.
ZARA Tours is proud of the progress made by MKPS in the years it has partnered with it and will
continue to support and play an important part in the lives and well-being of all our staff and


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