The 2013/4 Planned Activities for Zara Charity.
This year Zara Charity will continue to provide its financial, moral and technical support to the following thematic areas,
  • Continue with construction for the bigger facility for the Kilimanjaro Orphanage funded by Zara
  • To provide comprehensive support to the orphans at the Kilimanjaro Orphanage. This will include the educational, health, psychosocial support and life skills.
  • Support to the underprivileged Masai women who face social and economic hardships due to gender imbalances, traditions, ignorance and lack of economical base.
  • To sponsor the Ngorongoro Marathon with the overall objective of raising awareness about Malaria.
  • To sponsor the environmental conservation programs such as the reforestation program, cleaning mount Kilimanjaro and protecting the sources or water particularly the springs.
  • To help porters and mountain guides. Support provided is to continue funding the Mount Kilimanjaro Porters Society, to train them, to promote their rights, to promote their education and welfare and to give them equipments for their work.
Who we work With?
To achieve its goals Zara Charity works with other minded organizations, government authorities, networks, individuals, institutions both local and international, companies and other donors.

Source of income,
Over 90% of the total income is obtained from Zara Tours. Zara Tours took this initiative as part of its corporate social responsibility. Other sources of income
  • Volunteers
  • Tourist donations
  • Other minded organization
Gap and support needed.
Zara charity needs both human and material support to help reach its targets. Though we believe we have tried but we know it is just a drop of water in the ocean. This is due to magnitude of the problems as follows,
  • There is growing number of needy children who due to lack of enough funds are left hanging in the streets. Some are in schools but they don't have scholastic materials, school fees, uniforms and other learning materials. Some children have chronic diseases and needs health care.Zara Charity needs funds and other materials to help address these problems.
  • Reforestation is done but not to the required speed and amount. There is need for more more funds to buy more trees and for developing irrigation schemes.


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