CEO GLOBAL Pan African Awards 2018
Mrs Zainab Ansell awarded the Most Influential Woman in Business and Government in East Africa’s Tourism and Leisure Sector 2018/2019

Organized by CEO Global, Africa’s Most Influential Women in Business and Government Awards(MIW) has been a flagship recognition platform since 2001. With the aim of uplifting and celebrating women’s achievements and contributions to the economic sector in which they operate, their communities and the region’s economic development.
Women are the backbone of our society as they positively influence every facet of our culture by raising our future leaders, supporting our current leaders and being leaders themselves.

making her footprint in the global movement for sustainable tourism development. And more recently launched Zara foundation for ecosystems preservation advocating for land and marine biodiversity conservation with her focus being on cleaning up the Indian Ocean.
As she continues to mark her global footprint. Join us as we celebrate her and this honourable achievement. Congratulations Mama!
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