The Year 2023, comes bearing good news for Zara Charity, particularly for Ngorongoro Maasai Pre-School. 
The long wait is finally over for Maasai Kids at Ngorongoro Maasai Pre-School as they have finally received their school bus that will end their hustle of commuting from their homes to school and from school to their homes.
 Over the years Maasai Community had faced the highest illiterate rate and lowest school enrollment rates in East Africa due lack of school facilities, however as the days goes by The Maasai community have progressively improve their access to education since Education is a crucial factor for their development. 
The Community must have access to educational programs that can provide them the information and abilities they need to thrive in the modern world. That’s why on 2015 Zara Charity took an initiative to start a new Maasai preschool in Ngorongoro conservation area in order to promote education believing that education is the crucial aspect to eliminate poverty among Masaai community and society in general and creating a better future for Maasai children, through access to education has allowed the Maasai to maintain and promote their traditional customs, while also equipping them with the skills necessary to compete in an increasingly globalized society.
 Zara Charity commits to provide quality education to Maasai children in Ngorongoro regardless of their gender or social status. Thus since its establishment, two preschools were build that is Enduleni and Isirwa preschool and up to date these schools have manage to enroll more than 200 children around Ngorongoro Conservation area (The Maasai Community). 
However since its establishment the children have faced minor issues, transportation being among them, however this year 2023 on January we are sincerely grateful for support and donation received to be able to buy a school bus for the kids enrolled in these Ngorongoro preschool. 
We also call attention to all individual who will like to continue support the Maasai children in shaping their future through donation and sponsoring a child to continue attaining quality education. Charity Tanzania continue to shape and enhancing community economic development and fighting climatic change through implementation of its outreach and environmental projects, thus for this year 2023, Zara Charity has set various target to accomplish for the betterment of society. 


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