Yours Excellencies, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen.
I am delighted to be invited and to join all of you here; this is my first invitation to Moshi Cooperative University Session.
I am entrepreneur with dedications on Tourism sector with particular interests on accommodation facilities, mountain climbing and safari business in Tanzania and East Africa at large. I officially founded a company called ZARA tours in 1987. I have been socially responsible about the impacts of Tourism activities and have developed my business around sustainable development practices and I strongly believe and practice giving back to the community.
Yours Excellencies, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen
It is my pleasure to congratulate and thanks Moshi Cooperative University Authority (MoCU) in collaboration with the Universities Providers Worldwide (UPW) for organizing such a great session. Their support is very much appreciated, with the fact that, the impact of this event will not only benefit and empower University students in Tanzania but the general public attending, especially those who want to take my path to become entrepreneur. “WE ZARA TANZANIA ADVENTURES STAND FOR GRADUATE STUDENTS, YOUNG LADIES, THE NEEDY, THE VOICELESS, WE WANT TO SUPPORT THEM AND SEE THEM GROW” Moshi Cooperative University (MoCU) you have shown us how much you care and how much you are dedicated to play your role for Empowering Graduate in our Country and beyond. May God abundantly repay you!
Yours Excellencies, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen
As a woman, an Entrepreneur and Director of Zara Tanzania Adventure apart of being a tour operator, I have engaged on a lot of other social issues in my country particularly those directly affecting orphan, children, Women, Youth, the needy and mitigation of the impact of climate change from environmental perspective. more details Zara charity Tanzania
Hon. Dr. President, Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete the current (President of The United Republic of Tanzania) commended and appreciated in person the contributions of Zara Tanzania Adventures in Tourism Industry and the community of the United Republic of Tanzania. To me that was reflection of trust and of course good gesture of reflection how ZARA Adventure is perceived beyond our offices.
Yours Excellencies, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen
As a woman in developing country to achieve all this is not an easy task of which I really and highly express my sincere thanks to family and friends for invaluable support in making this company what it is today. I also pose this as a challenge to University Providers and Graduate students in Tanzania, Africa in Particular and the world at large to be very strong with ambitions and commitment as we endure in addressing some of the core and new challenges we face for our economic development.
Yours Excellences, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen
As I started this company to date I have been on a number of issues….
- Way back to my Background, Early life and education,
- When I graduated school my thought was to start something but the vision was still not clear how will I go about it, such the issue of capital, bureaucracy in registering business…. etc.. etc..
- My working experiences with Air Tanzania “a good path to my dream come true”.
- My Decision to Quit ATC and start ZARA….. “one of the hard and important decision”
- Challenges when I Quit ATC and start ZARA. “Being a WOMAN in my world at that time……”
My Dear all having the above introductory remarks, please allows me to share some of my thoughts and experiences “Tourism as an Integral Part of Tanzanian Economy”.
Tourism has become the world’s largest industry, according to the World Tourism Organization Findings; no surprise when one considers that it incorporates the world’s oldest profession. In some developing regions, such as the Caribbean or the South Pacific, tourism is the primary sector in which significant economic growth takes place. In other regions, including areas of Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, and formerly communist Eastern Europe, tourism is just beginning to take off. In all of these areas, tourism’s impact has been decidedly mixed.
In spite of its natural beauty, the Tanzania tourism sector still remains relatively untapped, receiving approximately 600,000 visitors per annum compared with neighboring Kenya’s million + visitors.
In the past, despite Tanzania’s record of political stability, the unattractive investment climate discouraged foreign investment.
This is no longer the case and the Government’s determination to create an environment conducive to private investment, combined with Tanzania’s natural beauty and the potential of the tourism sector, have made Tanzania an extremely viable and appealing market for investment
”Investment opportunities are in all sub sectors of tourism in Tanzania, such as hotels construction, restaurants, air operations, ground operations, supplier of tourism products such [vegetables, chickens meet, Milk, beef, gift shop] to mention a few,”
In its early stages tourism in the country was very minor, “because of the conservative approach [but] later on, as the government changed its political approach from socialism to a free market economy, investment in the protected areas was promoted and this opened up a new dimension for the development of tourism in Tanzania.”
Since 1995, the tourism industry has been increasing at a rate of around 10% per annum and today, most tourists come directly to Tanzania, with only 20 to 30% coming via Kenya.
Tourism plays a key role in the country’s economy;
- It is one of the main sources of foreign exchange and it offers employment opportunities both directly (supporting around 198,557 direct jobs) and indirectly [the suppliers of tourism Products and services].
- Tourism accounts for around 16% of the GDP and nearly 25% of total export earnings.
It is, therefore, seen as a vital industry in terms of job creation, poverty alleviation and foreign exchange earnings. By the year 2010, the Government hopes to reach the target of one million tourists per year. The impact of tourism to the national economy is expected to reach US$ 3,699.4 million by 2015.
However, while the Government is keen to develop and promote tourism in Tanzania, it is also committed to sustainable tourism in order to preserve its natural and cultural resources.
Yours Excellences, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen
Tourism industry positions itself as a major employer for graduates globally and an industry that is Graduate friendly – opening doors for Graduates! However research and the stories of women engaged in tourism around the world has shown repeatedly that it is an industry that is far from being gender friendly. EQUATIONS work in this area examines the realities of tourism from the women perspective – particularly its most exploitative impact – Poverty alleviation. I also examine ways in which women can have greater access, control and ownership over livelihoods and natural resources as well as access to the benefits in the context of tourism. I Endeavour to influence policy makers for gender-sensitive models and policies for tourism. Through networking with government, tourism promoters and industry, media, monitoring impacts and research on tourism I aim to highlight these links. EQUATIONS work to ensure that the aspect of graduates receives attention in all our research studies and interventions and such to highly key areas and initiative for empowerment.
Yours Excellences, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen
Have also Identified some of the Challenge for Graduate in Tanzania.
- Inadequate Employment opportunities. And such Companies and other institutions when want to employ they will ask for experience. You will hear that [we need 2, 3years experience].
- Limited Capital and microfinance for Graduate would be entrepreneurs.
- Lack of awareness of opportunities for students to invest in Tourism and other Sector.
- Entrepreneurship skills and courage [Few graduates have the skills and courage].
- Inadequate Support, networking and Partnership.
- Graduate Mindset.
– Graduate fails to use their knowledge and skills to employ themselves as entrepreneurs in their field of studies and available opportunities.
– Negative attitudes towards graduate entrepreneurship.
- Lack of trusted business partners / employees.
- Lack of proper Infrastructures and the need for new technology i.e. Internet connectivity.
- Low quality of Product and services.
- Lack of proper skills including languages, to help graduate employ themselves.
Yours Excellences, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen
Have also identified some of the Opportunities for graduates in Tourism Industry.
- Training opportunities i.e. opportunities for field attachment.
- Employment Opportunities.
- Investment opportunities [Involve in production and supplier of Tourism products and services such as Vegetable farming, poultry production, milk], Establishment of information & cultural center i.e. at tourist destination area, Establishment of Resort and recreational center.
- Marketing opportunities the fact that our country is not well promoted.
- Monitoring and Research Opportunities [Identifying new forms of tourism and the new need for Tourist, available opportunities for investors].
- Involved in planning, Decision making and implementation.
- The higher learning institutions, Universities Provides Worldwide and educators are challenged to innovate ways in which entrepreneurship courses will address issues that entrepreneurs face in Tanzania.
- Creating a good environment for graduates to invest, this will include providing them with important knowledge and skills.
- The Need for short courses for Capacity Building on entrepreneurship skills through training and development.
- Capital and support from Government, NGOs financial institutions. [To help graduate, women and other groups source fund for their entrepreneurship]
- Establishment of Networking and partnerships [globalization].
- Identification of potential areas for Graduates to invest in the tourism industry, other sectors as well as awareness rising to the general public.
- The need to increase Research and Monitoring on graduate and Entrepreneurship skills.
- The Need to improve business registration and taxation procedures.
- Improving general awareness of entrepreneurship skills.
- Partnering with and Assistance from other entrepreneurs.
- Good publicity of entrepreneurs in media, fostering legitimacy and reputation.
- Entrance of foreign role models [learning from entrepreneurs of other countries]
- Political and policy change.
Yours Excellences, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen
The premises of this unique collection as I was preparing this speech is that Graduates Roles in tourism industry is highly important, just as are their other positions in societies; and that Graduates themselves are affected in different ways by tourism depending on such factors as race, region, and class (leisured consumer vs. working producer, or guest vs. host). My general understanding for example Graduates role in the less-developed tourist destinations, the Middle East, Latin America, Africa, and eastern Europe; is less, unpredictable and thus has good implication for the future of economic development, policy issues and gender relations in tourism Industry.
Yours Excellences, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen
In 2015, the national theme for the Tourism Day can be “Tourism Opens Doors for Graduates.” As an opportunity to take the debate further on identifying challenges and opportunities for graduates to improve their economy from tourism Industry, as well as to understand the speech-making of the policy maker. An invitation from the University Providers Worldwide to participate in a high level think tank from around the world will help us in this task. I influence the University Providers Worldwide, Researchers to include aspects of graduates challenges and opportunities in their training, Research and work to bring out best solutions, Status report on the status of Graduates in tourism and to ensure that Graduates from all field had a role in influencing tourism policy and practice.
To wind up, Apart from those who are employed Graduates Involvement and Participation in Tourism Industry” has been unpredictable in some years and for our Economic empowerment at least we need to support each other in numbers of ways such by rising the awareness on available opportunities, giving them proper education and skills, Establishment of Networking, exposing to micro-finance’s and financial institution for capital, give each other courage through experiences but also identifying available opportunities in the tourism industry for graduates to invest as well as awareness aims at bringing youth aspects of tourism to the attention of policy makers, especially the role and position of Graduates in the economy, issues of graduate’s employment in the tourism industry and participation in tourism planning and management.
To University Providers Worldwide: Training and education programmes should aim at impacting graduates with important skills and identifying available opportunities for them to take entrepreneur initiatives by encouraging and helping them to change their mindset and find ways to employ them instead of looking for employment opportunities, which is unpredictable. This needs to be visible in the context of University and University Providers Worldwide in supporting graduates and the national economy. My appeal to the Universities in the Country is to identify and expose available opportunities for graduates to invest.
Intergovernmental bodies, national governments and NGOs should supportGraduates’ initiatives to improve awareness and ability of stakeholders to participate effectively, including using electronic media. However, the effort of addressing graduates’ challenges and groups need to be tackled in collaboration with local government and local NGOs.
Today more than ever before, we need to learn from our past economies, live consciously and meaningfully our present and with strong determination planning for the future. Let us be active supporters, humble contributors who can make initiatives calmly, actively, intellectually, historically, magnificently and productively for our economies, other graduates in the World and the entire Generation.
I am optimistic that these Public Lectures sessions will help us to lead our Graduates determine their aspirations, positions, needs, desires, challenges and reality on the basis of finding, seeing, judging, reflecting, actions and success of our Economy and our mother Country.
It is upon these questions that we need to focus on, bring in support for graduate organizations and see that the tourism issue is included in their agenda and that we adopt their understanding on Entrepreneurship and graduate issues in our agenda. There is need, therefore, to build a data base and alliances with different universities in the Country and if possible world wide, the industry and social activists and concerned citizen groups to study the issue of Graduates and debate the model being implemented in Tourism. Information and awareness is not only to be based on the motivations of the tourists and their need for services and products. It is to be based on the needs of the people and their perceptions of how tourism is to be developed and what benefits are to be derived. We must also be made aware of the negative consequences of tourism.
Finally, there is the issue of income generation as the only measure of development. Income, particularly in the case of tourism, is not stable, not under the control of the hosts, but manipulated by trade itself.
I thank you wholeheartedly for listening to me. THANK YOU!
ZARA TOURS, founded in 1987, is currently the No. 1 Kilimanjaro outfitter in Tanzania and one of the largest safari operators in the country. Proud to be known as one of the best operators in the region with a reputation for providing an exceptional, unforgettable and safe experience, ZARA TOURS owns and operates two hotels and four tented camps, has 88 safari and climbing expert guides who speak English, German and Spanish, and a fleet of fully-equipped vehicles that take tourists on safari adventures or treks up Mt. Kilimanjaro. ZARA TOURS also runs ZARA Charity, which plays a vital role in the local community by supporting vulnerable groups such as orphans, maasai women group, and more.
ZARA TOURS, founded in 1987, is currently the No. 1 Kilimanjaro outfitter in Tanzania and one of the largest safari operators in the country. Proud to be known as one of the best operators in the region with a reputation for providing an exceptional, unforgettable and safe experience, ZARA TOURS owns and operates two hotels and four tented camps, has 88 safari and climbing expert guides who speak English, German and Spanish, and a fleet of fully-equipped vehicles that take tourists on safari adventures or treks up Mt. Kilimanjaro. ZARA TOURS also runs ZARA Charity, which plays a vital role in the local community by supporting vulnerable groups such as orphans, maasai women group, and more.
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