Following the increase in death rate in Africa, believed to be caused by Malaria, Zara Tours (since its inception in 2008), has been among the founders and sponsors of Ngorongoro Run - the ra ce against Malaria. The mission has been achieved by ZaraCharity to support The Millennium Development Goals in Africa, which is an education and environmental conservation program, Among the Millennium Development Goals, the Charity is also sponsoring the race against Malaria in Africa. The Marathon is an opportunity to raise awareness about Malaria which affects between 300 and 500 million people every year; over 90% of those impacted live in Africa and are threatened by Malaria infection if proper measures aren't taken and awareness campaigns are not held. The impact of the disease is severe. This year, Zara Charity is looking to increase the coverage of the awareness campaign(s) against Malaria to reach more people and save more lives in Africa. Meanwhile, we are...